47. Consistent Bible Reading

A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.
                                     - Theodore Roosevelt
I have a confession to make. I don't read my bible nearly as much as I should. I use the busyness of life, specifically my college classes, as an excuse for my lack of dedication to studying the bible. I do make an effort to read Proverbs each day, but that's a very minimal effort when compared to the vastness of God's Word. Today I came across this quote from Theodore Roosevelt (one of my favorite men) and was convicted. There is no reason for me to value my college education over the richness of knowledge and wisdom contained in the pages of the bible.

For today's gift, I'm making an effort to read my bible every day. Here is where I need your help: I've yet to find a bible reading plan that I have been able to stick to. I know that I need dedication on my part to do it, but I'm also wondering what resources you have found that may help me. Do you know of any reading plans that are realistic to follow?

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Now I'm convicted...
I don't have any specific info on WHAT to read, But, I have previously found that I learn more when I set aside time rather than a number of chapters. Doing a plan in a certain amount of time causes me to "speed read" and I don't learn as much. But if I set aside 20 min and just focus on understanding, I get a lot more out of it, though maybe not as much actual text read.

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