51. The Value of Meditation

I recently was able to read a portion of a great book called The Art of Happiness written from a series of interviews with the Dalai Lama. As I dove into this book I was enthralled by the profound simplicity of the Dalai Lama's words. So much so that in the three weeks I had the book I was only able to get through the first third of the pages. The reason? Because the content cut deep. His thoughts were simple enough to understand yet proved gripping once they were allowed to sink in. I do not adhere to the Buddhist belief system but I believe that there are disciplines within it that can lead one to a better life. The depth of his words' meaning launched me into one of these principles before I even knew it. I was compelled to meditate on everything that was presented.

When most of us hear the word meditation, we conjure images of yoga, new age religions, and monks from the far east. But we must also remember that the bible commends meditation - Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-2, and Psalm 119:11 are just a few of the many examples of this. I've often read these words in the Scriptures but have always had difficulty with meditation. Mostly because I was unsure what it really was.

I always had this picture in my mind of meditation being an attempt to completely clear one's mind and commune with nature or something by repetitively chanting some non-sense word. Basically... images of yoga, new age religions, and monks from the far east. There is also a lot of psycho-babble about it that, regardless of any potential truth, just rubs me the wrong way. Hence my difficulty with the discipline. But as I read the words of the Dalai Lama and saw past his world-view, I began to truly understand what it is.

Meditation IS about quieting oneself and attempting to understand something bigger and deeper than before, but it's not about doing so as a means to escape reality or to try to get to some higher plane of existence. Meditation is simply blocking out everything else and concentrating on a single thing/issue in an attempt to better understand it. In today's fast paced culture this practice is, to say the least, an anomaly.

People who have mastered the art of meditation are noticeably more peaceful, understanding, and often more intelligent. My goal is to start taking time to slow down and really think about what I encounter in life. I want to begin learning more and really taking things in. Anybody with me?

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