57. College... Still

...but I have decent grammar
I have been a college sophomore for the last 4 years. Oh, how I wish I were exaggerating. My freshman year went by fast, but then I began to get other priorities. I put off school for a couple of years and moved to Texas to work for a youth ministry. I then started my sophomore year, while still working in full time (often overtime) ministry.I was only able to take a class here and there and was often "too busy" some semesters for any classes. Because of how my priorities were stacked, I even ending up failing a few of the courses. School just wasn't enough of a priority. This has to change.

When I was young my mom told people that I marched to the beat of my own drummer. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I realized just how much I deter from "normal" paths. I don't regret the decisions I made to work in ministry because it was one of the best things I've ever done. But I do wish I'd been more diligent about taking classes at the same time. In all reality, I should have graduated by now. In the past this has gotten me down. But it's time for a new leaf.

Today I start two new classes. I've been back in school full time since last October and so far I'm on a roll but I've started to lose motivation. Because of this, gift 57 is a commitment to myself to see this through to the end. I have two years of school left, and I WILL graduate in that amount of time. I'm not delaying it anymore.

Here's my question for you - what have you been wanting to accomplish for a long time, but keep putting on the back burner? Are you willing to make a commitment to working on it now? If so, I'm with you. Let's do this!

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