33. No Rest For The Weary?

I have been working like crazy recently, especially for the last month. All with no compensation. As an unemployed student, I feel much pressure to justify my worth to others. In fact, I just spent nearly an hour working on today's post to say just that. As I was proofing it, I decided to scrap the whole thing. Why? Because this is what I want to say about today's gift: Some times it's okay to just take a break. If you know that you have worked hard, don't let others tell you differently. Tonight, instead of working extremely hard to write an article like I did about Leon or my dad [those each took a few hours to do well], I did something I've not allowed myself to do in a long time. I took a break. Maybe I don't have a great piece of writing for today. But I know this - remembering the importance of taking time to relax is a quality that would make all men better. Sure I could have tried to make this point very eloquently. But I'd rather embrace the message. Until tomorrow, folks.

PS - I'm benefiting from the rest and coming back in full force tomorrow. Hopefully you'll all still be with me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha... way to go... amen to that... "sigh" Enjoy your day... I'll do the same.

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