18. Gratitude Expressed

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.
       ~Gladys Bronwyn Stern, writer

Yesterday got me thinking about what I am thankful for; and who. We go through life only with the help of others. We can only hope that we are in turn able to help others. In my few years so far on this earth I've had the rare honor of being able to speak personally into the lives of many young men and women. I've spent countless nights talking with them: giving advice, counsel, and comfort. I have only attempted to give what I often needed and some times received.

I used to have times when I felt extremely unappreciated. Most of the people I've spoken with have never expressed any gratitude, despite the fact that I was often delaying my own needs to help them. There are the rare few who have, but they are certainly the exception. Every time that happened, it made my day. People need to know that they are appreciated. In the midst of my aforementioned pity party, I realized a simply truth: humans are not good at expressing gratitude. We take for granted our appreciation for people, and assume that they know. But we all know the rule of assumption.

Today's gift is expressing gratitude to people who have had an impact on my life. My plan is to, over the next week, send notes to these people. I hope that they find them a pleasant surprise and that their day will be better for it. I also know that I will be better for this by truly appreciating what I have received - and encouraging those people to continue doing what they do.

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